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The pretty things

8 July

IMG_3298At ReStore in Hastings, I find two plastic wine glasses with rainbow decoration, two melamine cups, a vintage olive oil tin, and a water jug. All for $13.

I feel like my 8 year old self, the year Dad made me a doll’s house at night school. He also made small wooden couches and benches and beds, and I searched the only toy shop in Waimate for minute plates and cups, buying one item a week from my pocket money.

9 July

My Wellington daughter pronounced Moore Wilsons to be the place for purchasing the best plastic ware- so we bought two red plates, two polka dot plates, two starry cups and two red bowls. $49 this time.

I am colour matching from memory, as I have only seen the colours of the caravan once, – red, green and aquamarine, and want to stay in the vintage mode. The crockery rattles around as we drive away from Wellington. At least it won’t break.

Posted in Travels

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