Vertical is off, horizontal is on
The gas for the caravan would not go. The gas man finally came. He turned the regulator on the gas bottle on, and off- that’s OK, he said.
He followed the gas line into the caravan, checking all the joints/points/junctions/whatever- that’s all OK. It all looks fine he said, but it just doesn’t go.
Let’s have a look at the manual. The manual is 60 pages long, with just three devoted to the gas system. The gas man and Danielle pored over the diagram, but there was no indication of which was off or on.
Brother Robert, Danielle and I had carried out all the above checks, a couple of times, but it is good to have an expert do exactly the same thing, and confirm our diagnosis.
Finally he put his head in the oven, well, under it, and flipped two red taps around. A little hiss and a flicker, and we were cooking with gas.
So easy when you know.
I have now annotated the diagram.
We are still waiting for his invoice, but that hiss of LPG represents the dissolving of the last barrier to our first overnight adventure.
Well, the penultimate barrier.
The last barrier is actually our inability to back the caravan.We can push it easily enough.
Until we have learned the arcane art of backing, we plan for the first overnight stop to be like a car wash, with two ends, one to drive into and then continue straight ahead. Any suggestions of locations, apart from the nearest BP service station?