January 2015 Waipu, Northland.
’Look, Danielle, this is what I want for us!- a caravan, sun, pohutukawa and that holiday feeling.
We were doimg the summer holiday drift, through Art Form Gallery in Waipu, and this painting had captivated me.
We did not buy a caravan right then , but we did buy the picture. Back in Cambridge,I propped it up on a table on the terrace, then finally mounted on the fence. From the sitting room, we could gaze at it.
‘Dreams are no good without a goal’, say my self improvement books.
‘By Labour weekend, we will have decided about getting a caravan.’
There were some problems- our car is not strong enough, we don’t have much money, and we know nothing about caravans.
Summer ended, autumn blasted in, and in the winter, I was working in Hastings. The caravan story was about to move on.
PS. the painting is a Garden Art Panel, by Jo May